Where does the time go? It hardly seems like any time since our last birthday but today, Saturday 21st May, marks Saddle Mountain Hostel’s seventh year in business! It’s been a tough few years for everyone so we’re especially pleased that we’re able to celebrate the occasion properly with our guests.
It’s been really nice to welcome back large groups to stay at the hostel. In fact, over the last couple of weeks we’ve finally fulfilled whole hostel bookings that should have happened two years ago! We’ve also seen the return of overseas visitors which is good news too. It’s small steps on the road to recovery, but definitely progress.
We’d like to say thank you to everyone who stayed with us over the last year. We hope it’s getting back to the hostelling experience you remember.
We also want to thank our family and friends for your continued help and support. It’s been great to be able to see so many of you in person again.
Whether you’re near or far, please raise a glass to us as we celebrate our seventh birthday!