
Out of the starting blocks

We’re very excited this week as our new drying room project has started. The builders arrived on site on Monday morning and will be working with us over the next few months to turn our plans into reality. We’ve been planning and talking to you about it for a long time so it’s fantastic to be finally underway. Some dramatic changes have already occurred, more of which later.

We’ve put together some FAQs to tell you about the project and staying with us while it’s happening. You’ll find them here. In a nutshell, we are building a new drying room! The majority of the work will be outside the main hostel building but there are some internal changes too, affecting one of our bedrooms and the old bathroom.

The main thing is that we are open for business while this is going on, whether you have an existing booking or are considering staying with us. Any necessary closures will be scheduled to take account of existing bookings. Our booking system will always show our latest availability so you can continue to make online bookings. Alternatively, just give us a call or send us an email.

Our builders will be on site from 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Whilst we will do our best to reduce the impact on you during your stay we know there may be times when some noise and disruption will be unavoidable and we appreciate your understanding when this occurs. We believe it will definitely be worth it!

At the end of day 2 it seems that much has happened, to our eyes anyway! The old bathroom has been ripped out, the plumbing for the new toilet is in place and a new floor has been laid. The patio doors have been removed and the process of blocking up the hole has begun.

We’re hoping progress continues apace and that our new drying room will be ready early in 2017. In the meantime we will be adding new photos to our gallery on a regular basis, as well as updates on our Blog and Facebook so you can keep up-to-date.

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