
Wood for the trees

Back in March we told you about what had been happening in our garden. We’re pleased to say that it didn’t stop there. The lower part of the garden was sown with grass seed (thanks Dad!) and is now lush and green. Two of our sheds have been painted and spruced up with beach hut style curtains providing a nice splash of colour! And our pond is also looking great; it’s slightly smaller but is full of life with wet loving plants, insects, birds and animals.

If you’ve stayed with us since March the biggest change has been to the trees. Our idea was to create more light for the hostel and in the garden as the dense tree cover meant it was a dark, shady place. But we still wanted our wildlife friendly garden to thrive and to keep some shady areas for our ferns and mosses.

With this in mind our tree surgeon friend Roddie (more thanks!) has been hard at work over the last few months tidying up, thinning out and felling trees. We’ve helped where we can and our wheelbarrows have come into their own as we’ve moved piles of chipped branches around the garden and logs from where they were felled to our giant wood pile waiting to be split and stacked ready for burning on our stove in a year or so.

There’s still lots of work to be done tidying up but we’re delighted with how it’s turned out. It’s so much brighter around the hostel as there are fewer trees blocking out the sunshine when it does come! Our bird feeders are as busy as ever and there are still plenty of other trees and shrubs for the birds to land on.

Why not come and visit so you can see it all for yourself?

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