Take a look at this picture. This is all the rubbish that we collected on a 1.5km section of the Invergarry Link of the Great Glen Way close to Saddle Mountain Hostel.
The route south from us follows the minor Mandally road and then heads uphill on forest tracks. It’s used by people walking, cycling, driving and camping; locals, workers and tourists alike.
Perhaps because of the wide range of users of the route the litter is a strange mix of the usual suspects – plastic bottles, cans and wrappers – and the more unusual – saucepan, car number plate and road map. Some of it is recyclable, some not. None of it should be where we found it!
The Scottish Outdoor Access Code tells us to treat our environment with care by taking home all our rubbish and asks us to consider picking up other litter.
When we are outdoors walking or cycling we try really hard to leave no trace that we were ever there. We want to leave our environment in a pristine condition for others to enjoy and for our wildlife to thrive.
It’s always disappointing to see litter cast aside and while we may not have dropped it in the first place, walking past and ignoring it makes us part of the problem too. We do our best to pick up the rubbish we see whenever we can. What about you, will you do the same?