We’re ready for the summer season. It’s been a busy time for us over the winter months but it’s been worth it. We’re proud of our improved facilities here at Saddle Mountain Hostel and are excited to tell you about them too!
If you’ve stayed with us, visited our website or been following us on Facebook over the winter you’ll know we’ve been building a new drying room. We’re delighted to say that it is now fully operational and we’ve already been putting it through its paces!
We have ceiling airers and clothes rails to hang up wet outdoor gear and a large boot rack for shoes and boots. Wet gear is dried using a combination of underfloor heating, wall heaters, ceiling extractor fans and a dehumidifier. The drying room also houses the hostel laundry facilities with our new commercial washing machine and tumble dryer. They’re great for us but are also available for our guests to use (for a charge). There’s an outside door for guests to use if they arrive dripping wet and an internal door straight to the hostel.
Road testing has involved drying out wet gear from groups of walkers, kayakers, cyclists and motorbikers. And in between all of that, we’re using it to wash and dry the hostel laundry. It’s got a big thumbs up from us and our guests are giving us good reviews too. A big thank you to our architects, Kearney Donald Partnership, and our building contractor, A N Fraser Joinery, for their work on the project.
We’ve also been hard at work in the hostel. The whole place has been freshened up with a coat of paint, we’ve got new mattresses and pillows on all our beds and new LED lighting has been installed in our kitchen and bedrooms.
We’ve updated our hostel photo gallery so that you can see the changes we’ve made and hope you come to stay soon to take advantage of our improved facilities.